Purification Process

Explanation of Purified Water To Go's
Pure & Fresh 12-Stage Purification System"


Ion Exchange
The Ion Exchange eliminates corrosive scale on the RO membrane to prolong membrane life , and the ion exchange removes metals, radiation, etc.

Granular Activated Carbon Filter
The GAC Filter removes chemicals, such as chlorine, etc.

Pre-Sediment Filter
This 1 micron sediment filter removes all sediment from the water.

200PSI Booster Pump
This special stainless steel pump pressurizes the water to about 200PSI so the pure water can next pass through the RO membrane.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filtration
The membrane of the RO unit removes salts and other impurities from the city tap water, then the purified water is sent to an FDA approved polythylene holding tank. The impurities and waste water of is then disposed down the drain. However, our system recycles some of the water through the RO unit again, to save on water consumption and get the most purified water possible from the least amount of 'tap' water.

Ozone Re-Pressure Pump
This pump pulls the water from the holding tank and pressurizes the water for the next stages.

Ozone Generator
Ozone is the fastest and most thorough disinfectant available for water, while leaving no harmful residue in the water. Ozone is 3200 times faster than chlorine, yet reverts back to oxygen in a few hours or so. At this point, the Ozone is injected into the water as it passes through a venturi.

Ozone Contact Tank
This allows for a thorough mixing of the Ozone into the water. The smaller the bubbles, the more useful the ozone is in disinfecting the water. This Ozone treated water is then forwarded back to the holding tank where it also treats the water in the tank. The injection of Ozone is done at scheduled times throughout the day, so the water in the tank never sits for long periods of time.

Re-Pressure Pump
This stainless steel pump pulls the ozone treated water from the holding tank to pressurize the water for the next stages.

Post GAC Filtration
The post carbon filtration takes place to 'polish up the water' or to catch anything missed, and it picks up any tastes or odors the water may have picked up from the equipment.

Ultraviolet Disinfectant
The ultraviolet light acts as a secondary disinfectant, and protects the pressure tank from ozone.

Pressure Tank
The pressure tank keeps the pressure in the feed lines to the dispensing unit. Without this stage, the re-pressure pump would have to run constantly to fill the water bottles. This helps to conserve electrical energy by allowing many bottles to fill before the re-pressure pump activates.
Final Note
Most reverse osmosis units waste between three to five gallons for every gallon of purified water made. our system has been designed to be environmentally friendly; therefore only about 1/2 gallon is wasted for every gallon of purified water made. We have installed 'check' valves and back flow protection valves so the city 'tap' water cannot contaminate the purified water.